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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras.

Your search giovanni pugliese carratelli gave 9 results.

  • Liber

    Les Lamelles d'or orphiques (2003)

    Depuis la première moitié du XIXe siècle et encore tout récemment, on a retrouvé dans des tombes de Grande Grèce, de Crète ou de Thessalie, des lamelles d'or, très fines, datables du IVe au IIe siècle av. J.-C., qui contiennent des instructions d…
  • Monumentum

    Altar to Arimanius of the Esquilino

    This altar mentioning the god Arimanius was found in 1655 at Porta San Giovanni, on the Esquilino.

    TNMM481 – CIMRM 369

    D(eo) Arimanio / Agrestius v(ir) c(larissimus) / defensor / magister et / pater patrum / voti c(ompos) d(at).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Syracuse

    The Mithra Tauroctonos from Syracuse, Sicily, is currently on display in the city's archaeological museum.

    TNMM263 – CIMRM 163

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony 593

    This is the earliest sculpture of Mithras killing the bull known to date.

    TNMM164 – CIMRM 593, 594

    Alcimus T. Cl(audi) Liviani ser(vus) vilic(us) S(oli) M(ithrae) v(otum) s(olvit) d(onum) d(edit)
  • Monumentum

    Slab of Sol Invictus

    The slab of the Sun god has not yet connected to Mithras.

    TNMM249 – CIMRM 373

    Soli invicto / pro salute imp(eratorum) / et genio n(umeri) / eq(uitum) sing(ula- rium) / eorum M. Ulp(ius) / Chresimus sace[rd(os)] / Iovis Dolich[eni] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) [m(erito)]
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo di Fructosus

    The Mithraeum of Frutosus was in a temple assigned to the guild of the stuppatores.

    TNMM40 – CIMRM 226

  • Monumentum

    Head of Sol / Helios intarsio from Sant Prisca

    The intarsium of Sol found in the Mithraeum of Santa Prisca is composed of several varieties of marble.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo dell'Esquilino

    In a house from the time of Constantine, a Lararium was found with a statue of Isis-Fortuna. The Mithraeum was a door next to it, on a lower room.

    TNMM83 – CIMRM 356